
Sincerely,  I must say on behalf of those who were given the gift to feel all that is going on around us…

There is a sadness in the air.  Amidst this recession there is a depression.  Just when we think we have seen the light of day, a cloud hangs over to remind us of the times.

It’s hurricane season for sure.  It rains everyday… and when it rains, it pours because the clouds are endless.

Don’t be fooled by the mirage of gray skies.  This is a necessary evil.  I view it as a cleansing for a fresh start or a rainbow of truth to shine through and remind us of what is real, what is important.  The shades of gray remind us that life goes on even after it dies.  The clouds remind us that the sun does shine and when it does you must always appreciate it because even though there is gloom luring over your day with chances of rainfall… chances are you may not live to see even that.

We take things one day at a time… every drip by drop of waterfall on the window panes that pain us to say it but “tomorrow is not promised”.  I think it gives us delight to call out this truth as though it were solid unwavering truth; this expectancy of life per 24-hour period.  But anyone who has truly loved and lost permanently on this Earth knows.  We truly know this is propaganda truth.  A mirage that we see when our dismal days of mourning seem permanent as the absences.  .. ..

Yes.. it’s true but only partly cloudy.  The real hurricane when it hits… comes without warning on a partly cloudy day.  The whole truth and nothing but the truth is… our next breath is not promised nevertheless our next day.

When we mourn even if it’s just the times… we realize that every second in life is precious.

This recession makes us see the rainbow between these storms in the form of family, loved ones, children, teachers, preachers who live a life of righteousness and integrity.  These rainbows make us appreciate not the “things” we accumulate in life…  Or the things we work so hard to obtain, drive, sport around, live in, or rock on a hand, wrist, or neck …for they are just that, THINGS.  The materials that we have lost during this recession give us a wake up call rather than a warning.  It wakes us up long enough to take a longer look through the gray skies and raindrops to see the rainbow of importance in life.

Maintain your sanity through it all…

Learn what is important to you.

Work to maintain that over “the things” and the facades society expects you to put on!

and last but not least LivE.. not just day to day but second…. to second… to second..



It is your God-given gift…

each and every breath!

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